martes, 18 de septiembre de 2012

My best friends.

My friends.
° Isaac :He is my best friend from high school. Isaac is very intellingent, cute, loving, he's like my ideal man, but we're just friends. I like how he expresses life is a skilled philosopher.
° Noemi: She is my girlfriend crazy, I love her very much, because it is bold, beautiful, intelligent, always in fashion and does not care what people say about her.
° Juan Luis: He is so adorable I wanted a son like him. He's very supportive with all my problems, is a loving child, cute, great, he's a great person with feelings. He would be a great writer.
° Diana:She's a fighter, because she faces everything. She is loving, fun, fast, intelligent and wonderful with words. She taught me many things in life.
°Fidel:He's my cousin, he is a great friend because he is to tell my secrets and follies. He is an expert in x-box 360, he loves  the video games and is very intelligent and beautiful.
°Denisse: She is my soul mate, because she understands who is MaJo She is cheesy, crazy, imaginable, beautiful, dedicated, adore his words, his music is beautiful, is a friend of another world where she and I alone exist. She is great and understandable but sometimes we fight.

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